2021-10-21 16:34:49 +05:30

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NVIDIA CUDA Sample "radixSortThrust"
This sample demonstrates a very fast and efficient parallel radix sort implemented in C for CUDA. The included RadixSort class can sort either key-value pairs (with float or unsigned integer keys) or keys only. It can also sort unsigned integer keys based on a varying number of least-significant bits ranging from 4 to 32 in multiples of 4.
This radix sort code and the underlying algorithm is discussed in detail in the paper "Designing Efficient Sorting Algorithms for Manycore GPUs". A PDF version of this paper is available at
To run a sort with default options (Sort 1M unsigned integer key-value pairs), just invoke the executable ("radixSort.exe" on Windows, "radixSort" otherwise).
The following command line options are available:
-n=<N> : number of elements to sort
-keysonly : sort only an array of keys (the default is to sort key-value pairs)
-float : use 32-bit float keys
-keybits=<B> : Use only the B least-significant bits of the keys for the sort
: B must be a multiple of 4. This option does not apply to float keys
-quiet : Output only the number of elements and the time to sort
-help : Output a help message
The RadixSort class can also be used within your application by building the file into your application or library, and including the radixsort.h header file.
Satish, N., Harris, M., and Garland, M. "Designing Efficient Sorting
Algorithms for Manycore GPUs". In Proceedings of IEEE International
Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium 2009 (IPDPS 2009).