/* Copyright (c) 2023, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of NVIDIA CORPORATION nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * This file demonstrates the usage of conditional graph nodes with * a series of *simple* example graphs. * * For more information on conditional nodes, see the programming guide: * * https://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cuda-c-programming-guide/index.html#conditional-graph-nodes * */ // System includes #include #include // CUDA runtime #include // helper functions and utilities to work with CUDA #include #include /* * Create a graph containing two nodes. * The first node, A, is a kernel and the second node, B, is a conditional IF node. * The kernel sets the condition variable to true if a device memory location * contains an odd number. Otherwise the condition variable is set to false. * There is a single kernel, C, within the conditional body which prints a message. * * A -> B [ C ] * */ __global__ void ifGraphKernelA(char *dPtr, cudaGraphConditionalHandle handle) { // In this example, condition is set if *dPtr is odd unsigned int value = *dPtr & 0x01; cudaGraphSetConditional(handle, value); printf("GPU: Handle set to %d\n", value); } // This kernel will only be executed if the condition is true __global__ void ifGraphKernelC(void) { printf("GPU: Hello from the GPU!\n"); } // Setup and launch the graph void simpleIfGraph(void) { cudaGraph_t graph; cudaGraphExec_t graphExec; cudaGraphNode_t node; void *kernelArgs[2]; // Allocate a byte of device memory to use as input char *dPtr; checkCudaErrors(cudaMalloc((void**)&dPtr, 1)); printf("simpleIfGraph: Building graph...\n"); cudaGraphCreate(&graph, 0); // Create conditional handle. cudaGraphConditionalHandle handle; cudaGraphConditionalHandleCreate(&handle, graph); // Use a kernel upstream of the conditional to set the handle value cudaGraphNodeParams params = { cudaGraphNodeTypeKernel }; params.kernel.func = (void *)ifGraphKernelA; params.kernel.gridDim.x = params.kernel.gridDim.y = params.kernel.gridDim.z = 1; params.kernel.blockDim.x = params.kernel.blockDim.y = params.kernel.blockDim.z = 1; params.kernel.kernelParams = kernelArgs; kernelArgs[0] = &dPtr; kernelArgs[1] = &handle; checkCudaErrors(cudaGraphAddNode(&node, graph, NULL, 0, ¶ms)); cudaGraphNodeParams cParams = { cudaGraphNodeTypeConditional }; cParams.conditional.handle = handle; cParams.conditional.type = cudaGraphCondTypeIf; cParams.conditional.size = 1; checkCudaErrors(cudaGraphAddNode(&node, graph, &node, 1, &cParams)); cudaGraph_t bodyGraph = cParams.conditional.phGraph_out[0]; // Populate the body of the conditional node cudaGraphNode_t bodyNode; params.kernel.func = (void *)ifGraphKernelC; params.kernel.kernelParams = nullptr; checkCudaErrors(cudaGraphAddNode(&bodyNode, bodyGraph, NULL, 0, ¶ms)); checkCudaErrors(cudaGraphInstantiate(&graphExec, graph, NULL, NULL, 0)); // Initialize device memory and launch the graph checkCudaErrors(cudaMemset(dPtr, 0, 1)); // Set dPtr to 0 printf("Host: Launching graph with conditional value set to false\n"); checkCudaErrors(cudaGraphLaunch(graphExec, 0)); checkCudaErrors(cudaDeviceSynchronize()); // Initialize device memory and launch the graph checkCudaErrors(cudaMemset(dPtr, 1, 1)); // Set dPtr to 1 printf("Host: Launching graph with conditional value set to true\n"); checkCudaErrors(cudaGraphLaunch(graphExec, 0)); checkCudaErrors(cudaDeviceSynchronize()); // Cleanup checkCudaErrors(cudaGraphExecDestroy(graphExec)); checkCudaErrors(cudaGraphDestroy(graph)); checkCudaErrors(cudaFree(dPtr)); printf("simpleIfGraph: Complete\n\n"); } /* * Create a graph containing a single conditional while node. * The default value of the conditional variable is set to true, so this * effectively becomes a do-while loop as the conditional body will always * execute at least once. The body of the conditional contains 3 kernel nodes: * A [ B -> C -> D ] * Nodes B and C are just dummy nodes for demonstrative purposes. Node D * will decrement a device memory location and set the condition value to false * when the value reaches zero, terminating the loop. * In this example, stream capture is used to populate the conditional body. */ // This kernel will only be executed if the condition is true __global__ void doWhileEmptyKernel(void) { printf("GPU: doWhileEmptyKernel()\n"); return; } __global__ void doWhileLoopKernel(char *dPtr, cudaGraphConditionalHandle handle) { if (--(*dPtr) == 0) { cudaGraphSetConditional(handle, 0); } printf("GPU: counter = %d\n", *dPtr); } void simpleDoWhileGraph(void) { cudaGraph_t graph; cudaGraphExec_t graphExec; cudaGraphNode_t node; // Allocate a byte of device memory to use as input char *dPtr; checkCudaErrors(cudaMalloc((void**)&dPtr, 1)); printf("simpleDoWhileGraph: Building graph...\n"); checkCudaErrors(cudaGraphCreate(&graph, 0)); cudaGraphConditionalHandle handle; checkCudaErrors(cudaGraphConditionalHandleCreate(&handle, graph, 1, cudaGraphCondAssignDefault)); cudaGraphNodeParams cParams = { cudaGraphNodeTypeConditional }; cParams.conditional.handle = handle; cParams.conditional.type = cudaGraphCondTypeWhile; cParams.conditional.size = 1; checkCudaErrors(cudaGraphAddNode(&node, graph, NULL, 0, &cParams)); cudaGraph_t bodyGraph = cParams.conditional.phGraph_out[0]; cudaStream_t captureStream; checkCudaErrors(cudaStreamCreate(&captureStream)); checkCudaErrors(cudaStreamBeginCaptureToGraph(captureStream, bodyGraph, nullptr, nullptr, 0, cudaStreamCaptureModeRelaxed)); doWhileEmptyKernel<<<1, 1, 0, captureStream>>>(); doWhileEmptyKernel<<<1, 1, 0, captureStream>>>(); doWhileLoopKernel<<<1, 1, 0, captureStream>>>(dPtr, handle); checkCudaErrors(cudaStreamEndCapture(captureStream, nullptr)); checkCudaErrors(cudaStreamDestroy(captureStream)); checkCudaErrors(cudaGraphInstantiate(&graphExec, graph, NULL, NULL, 0)); // Initialize device memory and launch the graph checkCudaErrors(cudaMemset(dPtr, 10, 1)); // Set dPtr to 10 printf("Host: Launching graph with loop counter set to 10\n"); checkCudaErrors(cudaGraphLaunch(graphExec, 0)); checkCudaErrors(cudaDeviceSynchronize()); // Cleanup checkCudaErrors(cudaGraphExecDestroy(graphExec)); checkCudaErrors(cudaGraphDestroy(graph)); checkCudaErrors(cudaFree(dPtr)); printf("simpleDoWhileGraph: Complete\n\n"); } /* * Create a graph containing a conditional while loop using stream capture. * This demonstrates how to insert a conditional node into a stream which is * being captured. The graph consists of a kernel node followed by a conditional * while node which contains a single kernel node: * * A -> B [ C ] * * The same kernel will be used for both nodes A and C. This kernel will test * a device memory location and set the condition when the location is non-zero. * We must run the kernel before the loop as well as inside the loop in order * to behave like a while loop. We need to evaluate the device memory location * before the conditional node is evaluated in order to set the condition variable * properly. Because we're using a kernel upstream of the conditional node, * there is no need to use the handle default value to initialize the conditional * value. */ __global__ void capturedWhileKernel(char *dPtr, cudaGraphConditionalHandle handle) { printf("GPU: counter = %d\n", *dPtr); if (*dPtr) { (*dPtr)--; } cudaGraphSetConditional(handle, *dPtr); } __global__ void capturedWhileEmptyKernel(void) { printf("GPU: capturedWhileEmptyKernel()\n"); return; } void capturedWhileGraph(void) { cudaGraph_t graph; cudaGraphExec_t graphExec; cudaStreamCaptureStatus status; const cudaGraphNode_t *dependencies; size_t numDependencies; // Allocate a byte of device memory to use as input char *dPtr; checkCudaErrors(cudaMalloc((void**)&dPtr, 1)); printf("capturedWhileGraph: Building graph...\n"); cudaStream_t captureStream; checkCudaErrors(cudaStreamCreate(&captureStream)); checkCudaErrors(cudaStreamBeginCapture(captureStream, cudaStreamCaptureModeRelaxed)); // Obtain the handle of the graph checkCudaErrors(cudaStreamGetCaptureInfo(captureStream, &status, NULL, &graph, &dependencies, &numDependencies)); // Create the conditional handle cudaGraphConditionalHandle handle; checkCudaErrors(cudaGraphConditionalHandleCreate(&handle, graph)); // Insert kernel node A capturedWhileKernel<<<1, 1, 0, captureStream>>>(dPtr, handle); // Obtain the handle for node A checkCudaErrors(cudaStreamGetCaptureInfo(captureStream, &status, NULL, &graph, &dependencies, &numDependencies)); // Insert conditional node B cudaGraphNode_t node; cudaGraphNodeParams cParams = { cudaGraphNodeTypeConditional }; cParams.conditional.handle = handle; cParams.conditional.type = cudaGraphCondTypeWhile; cParams.conditional.size = 1; checkCudaErrors(cudaGraphAddNode(&node, graph, dependencies, numDependencies, &cParams)); cudaGraph_t bodyGraph = cParams.conditional.phGraph_out[0]; // Update stream capture dependencies to account for the node we manually added checkCudaErrors(cudaStreamUpdateCaptureDependencies(captureStream, &node, 1, cudaStreamSetCaptureDependencies)); // Insert kernel node D capturedWhileEmptyKernel<<<1, 1, 0, captureStream>>>(); checkCudaErrors(cudaStreamEndCapture(captureStream, &graph)); checkCudaErrors(cudaStreamDestroy(captureStream)); // Populate conditional body graph using stream capture cudaStream_t bodyStream; checkCudaErrors(cudaStreamCreate(&bodyStream)); checkCudaErrors(cudaStreamBeginCaptureToGraph(bodyStream, bodyGraph, nullptr, nullptr, 0, cudaStreamCaptureModeRelaxed)); // Insert kernel node C capturedWhileKernel<<<1, 1, 0, bodyStream>>>(dPtr, handle); checkCudaErrors(cudaStreamEndCapture(bodyStream, nullptr)); checkCudaErrors(cudaStreamDestroy(bodyStream)); checkCudaErrors(cudaGraphInstantiate(&graphExec, graph, NULL, NULL, 0)); // Initialize device memory and launch the graph // Device memory is zero, so the conditional node will not execute checkCudaErrors(cudaMemset(dPtr, 0, 1)); // Set dPtr to 0 printf("Host: Launching graph with loop counter set to 0\n"); checkCudaErrors(cudaGraphLaunch(graphExec, 0)); checkCudaErrors(cudaDeviceSynchronize()); // Initialize device memory and launch the graph checkCudaErrors(cudaMemset(dPtr, 10, 1)); // Set dPtr to 10 printf("Host: Launching graph with loop counter set to 10\n"); checkCudaErrors(cudaGraphLaunch(graphExec, 0)); checkCudaErrors(cudaDeviceSynchronize()); // Cleanup checkCudaErrors(cudaGraphExecDestroy(graphExec)); checkCudaErrors(cudaGraphDestroy(graph)); checkCudaErrors(cudaFree(dPtr)); printf("capturedWhileGraph: Complete\n\n"); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int device = findCudaDevice(argc, (const char **)argv); int driverVersion = 0; cudaDriverGetVersion(&driverVersion); printf("Driver version is: %d.%d\n", driverVersion / 1000, (driverVersion % 100) / 10); if (driverVersion < 12030) { printf("Waiving execution as driver does not support Graph Conditional Nodes\n"); exit(EXIT_WAIVED); } simpleIfGraph(); simpleDoWhileGraph(); capturedWhileGraph(); return 0; }