Starting shfl_scan GPU Device 0: "Hopper" with compute capability 9.0 > Detected Compute SM 9.0 hardware with 114 multi-processors Starting shfl_scan GPU Device 0: "Hopper" with compute capability 9.0 > Detected Compute SM 9.0 hardware with 114 multi-processors Computing Simple Sum test --------------------------------------------------- Initialize test data [1, 1, 1...] Scan summation for 65536 elements, 256 partial sums Partial summing 256 elements with 1 blocks of size 256 Test Sum: 65536 Time (ms): 0.021504 65536 elements scanned in 0.021504 ms -> 3047.619141 MegaElements/s CPU verify result diff (GPUvsCPU) = 0 CPU sum (naive) took 0.017810 ms Computing Integral Image Test on size 1920 x 1080 synthetic data --------------------------------------------------- Method: Fast Time (GPU Timer): 0.008032 ms Diff = 0 Method: Vertical Scan Time (GPU Timer): 0.068576 ms CheckSum: 2073600, (expect 1920x1080=2073600)