GPU Device 0: "Hopper" with compute capability 9.0 step 1: read matrix market format Using default input file [../../../../Samples/4_CUDA_Libraries/cuSolverDn_LinearSolver/gr_900_900_crg.mtx] sparse matrix A is 900 x 900 with 7744 nonzeros, base=1 step 2: convert CSR(A) to dense matrix step 3: set right hand side vector (b) to 1 step 4: prepare data on device step 5: solve A*x = b timing: cholesky = 0.000789 sec step 6: evaluate residual |b - A*x| = 1.278977E-13 |A| = 1.600000E+01 |x| = 2.357708E+01 |b - A*x|/(|A|*|x|) = 3.390413E-16