#!/bin/false "This script should be sourced in zsh, not executed directly" set -ex trap "dfs beacon gh.ci.fail" ERR # fix for macos dfs cd if [[ $(./tools/common.sh get_os_type) == "macos" ]]; then export PATH="/usr/local/opt/coreutils/libexec/gnubin:/opt/homebrew/opt/coreutils/libexec/gnubin:${PATH}" fi # check files cd / l cd ~ l dfs cd l pwd test -f .zshrc2 diff -q ./.ssh/authorized_keys2 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2 diff -q ./.eid/authorized_certificates ~/.eid/authorized_certificates grep -q ".zshrc2" ~/.zshrc if [[ -x $(command -v crontab) ]]; then crontab -l | grep -qxF "0 * * * * ${DOTFILES}/update.sh" fi # check scripts and functions dfs version dfs log 1 dfs beacon gh.ci $GITHUB_SHA z ~ test ~ -ef "$(pwd)" dogo doll dfs cd tools/test-getopts.sh tools/common.sh get_os_name test $(echo y | tools/common.sh ask_for_yN "test") = "1" test $(echo n | tools/common.sh ask_for_yN "test") = "0" test $(echo | tools/common.sh ask_for_yN "test") = "0" test $(echo | tools/common.sh ask_for_Yn "test") = "1" test $(DFS_QUIET=1 tools/common.sh ask_for_Yn "test") = "1" test "$(DFS_TRUST=1 riot time@is.impt:2222/yes@you-r.right/you@are.really.recht./ibd./try@it,another@host scp /tmp/ ./tmp -D 2>/dev/null)" = 'scp -P 12022 -o PermitLocalCommand=yes -o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPath=~/.ssh/master-socket/%C -o ProxyJump=time@is.impt:2222,yes@you-r.right,you@are.really.recht.,root@ibd. -r try@it.ibd.ink:"/tmp/" "./tmp" scp -P 12022 -o PermitLocalCommand=yes -o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPath=~/.ssh/master-socket/%C -o ForwardX11=yes -o ForwardAgent=yes -r another@host.ibd.ink:"/tmp/" "./tmp"' # check alias alias p114 alias cbds which riot sagt test -f "/tmp/piv-agent-$(whoami)" gbes || which gbes # check update DFS_VERSION=`dfs version` dfs update dfs version test `git rev-parse HEAD` = `curl -fsSL https://api.beardic.cn/get-var/dfs-commit-id` # clean git reset --hard $DFS_VERSION # then check install.sh ./install.sh -dx DFS_CI=1 -H e153a2eL,f8At3iFw grep -qE "testhist 1$" ~/.zsh_history grep -qE "testhist 4$" ~/.zsh_history grep -qx "DFS_CI=1" ~/.config/dotfiles/env ./install.sh -l dfs version test `git rev-parse HEAD` = `curl -fsSL https://api.beardic.cn/get-var/dfs-commit-id` # clean git reset --hard $DFS_VERSION set +x