#!/bin/bash THIS_DIR=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]:-${(%):-%x}}" )" && pwd ) source "$THIS_DIR/../tools/common.sh" DOCKER_FORMAT="{{.ID}} {{.Image}} {{.Names}}" if [[ -z "$1" || "$1" =~ ^(-h|--help)$ ]]; then fmt_info "usage: $0 or -[0-9]*" exit elif [[ "$1" =~ ^-[0-9]*$ ]]; then LAST="${1:1}" if [[ "$LAST" == "0" ]]; then # the latest running container CONTAINER_META=($($SUDO docker container ls -l --filter "status=running" --format "$DOCKER_FORMAT")) else # the last nth container (all status) CONTAINER_META=($($SUDO docker container ls -n ${LAST:-1} --format "$DOCKER_FORMAT" | tail -n 1)) fi CONTAINER=${CONTAINER_META[0]} else CONTAINER_META="$1" CONTAINER="$1" fi if [[ -z "$CONTAINER" ]]; then fmt_fatal "container not found" else fmt_note "--> ${CONTAINER_META[@]}" $SUDO docker exec -it $CONTAINER sh -c 'export DFS="bash <(curl dfs.beardic.cn) -a"; if [ -x "$(command -v zsh)" ]; then echo "--> zsh"; unset DFS; zsh; elif [ -x "$(command -v bash)" ]; then echo "--> bash"; bash; else echo "--> sh"; sh; fi' fi