#!/bin/bash THIS_DIR=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]:-${(%):-%x}}" )" && pwd ) source "$THIS_DIR/tools/common.sh" home_slashes=${HOME//\//\\\/} if [[ ! $DOTFILES == ${home_slashes}* ]]; then fmt_fatal "\"$DOTFILES\" is not under \"$HOME\". aborting ..." fi dotfile_home_path=${DOTFILES/${home_slashes}/\~} dotfile_relative_path=${DOTFILES#${home_slashes}\/} crontab_job="0 * * * * ${DOTFILES}/update.sh" insert_if_not_exist() { filename=$1 line=$2 fmt_note "installing \"$line\" into \"$filename\" ..." mkdir -p $(dirname "$filename") if [ ! -f "$filename" ]; then touch $filename fi grep -qxF -- "$line" "$filename" || echo "$line" >> "$filename" } delete_if_exist() { filename=$1 line=$2 fmt_note "removing \"$line\" from \"$filename\" ..." if [ -f "$filename" ]; then grep -vxF -- "$line" "$filename" | tee "$filename" fi } create_symlink() { src=$1 dest=$2 fmt_note "creating symlink \"$dest\" --> \"$src\" ..." if [ ! -f "$src" ]; then fmt_error "\"$src\" does not exist! aborting this job ..." return 1 fi mkdir -p $(dirname "$dest") if [ -f "$dest" ]; then if [ "$(readlink $dest)" -ef "$src" ]; then return 0 fi fmt_warning "\"$dest\" already exists! stat output:" echo ---------- stat $dest echo ---------- ask_for_yN "would you like to replace ${dest}?" if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then rm $dest else fmt_error "\"$dest\" already exists! aborting this job ..." return 1 fi fi ln -s $src $dest return $? } delete_link_if_match() { src=$1 dest=$2 if [ "$(readlink $dest)" -ef "$src" ]; then fmt_note "removing symlink \"$dest\" ..." echo ---------- stat $dest echo ---------- rm $dest fi } install_crontab(){ fmt_note "installing \"$crontab_job\" to crontab ..." ( crontab -l | grep -vxF "${crontab_job}" | grep -v "no crontab for"; echo "$crontab_job" ) | crontab - } uninstall_crontab(){ fmt_note "removing \"$crontab_job\" from crontab ..." ( crontab -l | grep -vxF "$crontab_job" ) | crontab - } install_tmux_tpm(){ TMUX_TPM="$HOME/.tmux/plugins/tpm" if [[ -x $(command -v tmux) && ! -d "$TMUX_TPM" ]]; then fmt_note "installing tmux tpm ..." git clone https://gitee.com/dictxiong/tpm "$TMUX_TPM" if [[ -x $(command -v g++) && -x $(command -v cmake) && -x $(command -v make) ]]; then fmt_note "initializing tmux plugins ..." if [[ -z "$DFS_NO_COMPILE" ]]; then ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm/bin/install_plugins fi else fmt_warning "pls install g++,cmake,make and then init tmux plugins by or ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm/bin/install_plugins" fi fi } install_vim_vundle(){ VIM_VUNDLE="$HOME/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim" if [[ -x $(command -v vim) && ! -d "$VIM_VUNDLE" ]]; then fmt_note "installing vim vundle ..." git clone https://gitee.com/dictxiong/Vundle.vim "$VIM_VUNDLE" fmt_note "initializing vim plugins ..." if [[ -z "$DFS_NO_COMPILE" ]]; then vim +PluginInstall +qall fi fi } install_update(){ fmt_note "installing update.sh ..." cp "${DOTFILES}/.update.sh" "${DOTFILES}/update.sh" chmod +x "${DOTFILES}/update.sh" if [[ -z "$DFS_NO_UPDATE" ]]; then fmt_note "running update.sh ..." ${DOTFILES}/update.sh fi } uninstall_update(){ fmt_note "removing update.sh ..." rm "${DOTFILES}/update.sh" } install(){ install_update install_crontab insert_if_not_exist "${HOME}/.zshrc" "source ${dotfile_home_path}/.zshrc2" insert_if_not_exist "${HOME}/.tmux.conf" "source-file ${dotfile_home_path}/.tmux.conf2" insert_if_not_exist "${HOME}/.vimrc" "source ${dotfile_home_path}/.vimrc2" insert_if_not_exist "${HOME}/.gitconfig" "[include] path = \"${dotfile_home_path}/.gitconfig2\"" create_symlink "${DOTFILES}/.ssh/authorized_keys2" "${HOME}/.ssh/authorized_keys2" # those that won't be uninstalled in the future install_tmux_tpm install_vim_vundle fmt_note "done installing!" } uninstall(){ ask_for_yN "do you really want to uninstall?" if [[ $? == 1 ]]; then uninstall_update uninstall_crontab delete_if_exist "${HOME}/.zshrc" "source ${dotfile_home_path}/.zshrc2" delete_if_exist "${HOME}/.tmux.conf" "source-file ${dotfile_home_path}/.tmux.conf2" delete_if_exist "${HOME}/.vimrc" "source ${dotfile_home_path}/.vimrc2" delete_if_exist "${HOME}/.gitconfig" "[include] path = \"${dotfile_home_path}/.gitconfig2\"" delete_link_if_match "${DOTFILES}/.ssh/authorized_keys2" "${HOME}/.ssh/authorized_keys2" fmt_note "done uninstalling!" fi } case $1 in ""|-i ) install ;; -r ) uninstall ;; * ) fmt_warning "unknown command \"$1\". available: -i, -r" ;; esac